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Customer Reviews for Taurus 24/7-40SSP15 40S PRO STAINLESS

Taurus 24/7-40SSP15 40S PRO STAINLESS Buy Now

29 Reviews. 4.7 out of 5 Stars!
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Bob Z on 03/31/2022
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Excellent firearm. Very reliable and easy to carry.

Marcos M on 05/07/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Great Gun nothing bad to say about it. I put 1200 rounds through it with no problems.Thanks Buds

Brian B on 03/31/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I also wanted to give advice about ordering new pistols. it is best to clean them before shooting them . even glock puts that in there manual.

Jeremy H on 03/08/2011
Rating:   4 of 5 Stars!

The gun that they sent did not have Ribber Grips as stated in the specs on this page. I also saw another review on here with the same problem. Apparently Buds Gun Shop doesn't verify what they are selling with what they actually have in stock. I did pick it up for $297 shipped which is a great deal even without the grip. I have a 24/7 airsoft gun with the ribber grip and thats what drove me towards the fit of of the real handgun. I was able to remove the grip from the airsoft gun and put it over the plastic one on the real gun. Its not an exact replacement but it does feel really good on there. I was happy that it came with 2 -15 round magazines which made up for my disappointment. Shipping was quick, they got my Money Order Tuesday and my FFL dealer got the gun Friday. I did have a few problems with miss feeding while using cheap Tula Ammo from Walmart. I decided to break the gun down and clean up the grease and oil that Taurus put in there before shipping and everything seemed to feed fine then. I need to sight it in at a range and may put some fiber optic sights on if the stock ones don't get any better. I will still recomend Buds Gun Shop due to the great pricing, but you may want to have someone verify that the gun you order is exactly what they have listed in the specs.

Maurice G on 02/28/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I jus picked up my 24 7 from my ffl dealer and wat can i say i love it its alil heavy compared to other guns i shot but i like the weight. I ordered the gun wednesday and picked it up friday man i love Buns shipping. I picked up the and that day i put about 500 rounds through it and it worked prefectly no jams and ftf no nothing everything works great, I love the way the gun feels the way it fits in my hand all around great and great price. i would tell anybody to buy this gun

Sheldon O on 02/27/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

First of all, the shipping from Buds was simply spectacular. Their standard free shipping felt like expedited shipping. I got my gun from my FFL and had to wait almost a month to shoot it, due to timing of other events. After going to the range today and putting 150 rounds through it, I am simply pleased as punch. No jams whatsoever, but the mags were very stiff to load, almost offputtingly so, but after working them for a few minutes, everything was fine. I am incredibly satisfied with my purchase from Buds, as well as the gun itself. Don't hesitate in purchasing this weapon.

Zachary S on 02/22/2011
Rating:   2 of 5 Stars!

This is the first gun I have bought on my own and while I have experience with guns, I was very excited to pick this firearm up from my FFL. I Picked it up on a Friday and fired it that Sunday with no issues except a few stovepipes and a two feed issues with Magtech ammo. When I brought the gun home I found two alarming issues. The first is that the metal inside of the slide between the barrel cutout and the slide spring cutout is extremely thin and was both chipped and bent. Also, be sure to check around the striker mechanism because Taurus slathers it in a ton of gun grease. Once I removed that I found many many depressions and what looks like scratches inside the slide. These were not put there by myself or a factory worker, it must have been a problem with the casting. Make sure you check this at your FFL and be prepared to remove the grease on the spot because if you take the gun home, you will have to deal directly with Taurus. I have spoken with Taurus and while they are friendly and eager to help it seems that I am going to be stuck for up to two months without my firearm. Quality control seems to be the repeating issue that people have with Taurus, and now I know why. The exterior of the gun is very nice, all of the controls are placed in easy to access areas and the grip feels amazing in my hand. Just make sure you dont sign for your Firearm before you inspect it thoroughly inside and out. Buds service has been good throughout this situation and while they cant accept a return, I understand their logic. As a final note, I was stuck between this gun, and XD40 and a PX4 in the same caliber. If I had it to do over again, I would not chose the Taurus even at such a steep discount.

John F on 02/20/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Great fit and finish. Feels good in my hand, grip feels relatively slim to have a double stack mag. Grip is long, as long as the barrel. Is the 24/7 on par with Glock or my XDs? No, more in line with the Ruger SR9 in my opinion. Great gun for the price though.

Robert W on 02/16/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Just picked mine up from my FFL. Ordered on Mon. Great job on processing & shipping Bud's!!! Now for some range time tomorrow!!

Brian B on 02/09/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

this is one of the best pistols i have ever owned. i like it way more than the glocks. it is very accurate and has a real good feel when shooting. i love the sights on them. if you dont own one get one. i ordered mine on a thursday and got it on a tuesday. it didnt cost to ship nor to put it my name. thanks buds i will always shop here.

Danny B on 02/06/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Super handgun for the money,very accurate out of the box.Trigger takes some getting used to.Bud's was great, ordered wednesday night picked up at my ffl dealer friday morning...................

Destin D on 01/21/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Great Job Buds will conyinue to purchase from you guys.

Robert D on 09/29/2010
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Follow-up review: Initially gave 4star review to due the faulty magazine(1). After a few mods w/a dremel, took 24/7 to the range and put 100 rounds thru her with no problems. Great gun for great price! Only at Bud's!.....REVISED 5 STARS

Robert D on 09/27/2010
Rating:   4 of 5 Stars!

This is my 5th purchase from Bud's. As always, Bud's service/shipping is fast and efficient. However, the 24/7 I received did not have the ribber grip or the Heine sights(novak 3-dot). This is an issue w/Taurus, not Bud's! As for the 24/7, nice grip, weight, easy to breakdown. This 40cal has a little snap to it. Put 150 rounds thru it but started to experience FTFeed issues. Noticed 1 of the magazines followers sits lower than the other, not feeding round high enough in chamber. Very frustrating! Taurus has had problems w/magazines on 24/7 line( esp 45cal). I was hoping to be one of the "lucky" ones with no mag issues. This is my 3rd Taurus(709/85). Overall, the 24/7 pro ds is a nice gun, good value, just disappointed w/mags. Again, kudos to Bud's. This is definately the place for your firearm needs!!!!

Breisha R on 03/21/2010
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Follow up Reviw* As in my initial review below I said I would report back after I took it to my fathers propety and let ya know how the gun functioned. I used rather cheap Ammo.Shot 80 rounds of 165 grain Winchester Value box.Fired flawless.No jams ,feedfailures or anything.Also shot 50 rounds of Federal Champion target ammo.same result.Batting 1000 so far.The sites seem to be pretty dang accurate.We didn't use a regular target.But used a piece of plywood that conveniently had 4 knots in it all lined up pretty well across the top of the board.The knots were between 4 inches and 6 inches.While I wasn't extremely accurate as I am still a novice shooter.I was still able to get 2-3 " groupings at arround 10 yards and hit the knot I was aiming at several times.My Father however was able to put his all inside the knot he was shooting at.His groupings were much better than mine at arround 1" at 10 yards..And he actually shout out a hole about 3 inches in Diameter right in the Middle of his knot.The gun is comfortable as heck.The long Trigger pull is very smooth and doesn't require hardly any strength to pull.once I figured out the point of Firing ,I was able to stage my shots ,and was much more accurate.I also let a clip go as fast as I could.While I wasn't accurate doing this,It shot all 15 in about 4 seconds with no flaws.Extremely well built gun .I Like it better than most guns I have shot.For the price, this gun is a great buy.

Breisha R on 03/18/2010
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Hi all this is my 1st purchase from Bud's gun shop.I am gonna say that i am very impressed with the delivery time.I never had to contact Bud's.Ordered my gun on Monday and recieved it on Thursday morning with standard shipping and Handling. When I pirchased this gun I was going for the 24/7 because of reviews and because of the price compared to competitor's.Some Reviews said that it had some problems feeding and a few other small issues ,but could be fixed fairly easily.Also many of the reviews I have read said that the problem was with the 1st gen of 24/7's and were fixed by the 2nd generation set.The second Generation set is the DS version.You will know it is a DS because it says 24/7 PRO DS instead of just 24/7 pro as shown in the picture .Well guess what ?When I went to inspect this gun at my FFL dealer it was indeed a DS version.It also had the Novaks sites instead of the straight 8 Heine sites.(I was very pleased about this).As I am acustomed to the normal 3 dot sites.It didn't have the ribber grips either as is the norm with the DS version.(no big).The gun feel's very comfortable and the fact is I got a 2nd gen gun for a 1st gen price.I love it.Thank you Bud's and this is surely enough to reccomend you to my freinds for future purchases.I will report back here in a few days.I plan on taking this to my Fathers property this weekend to test Great experience and great service.I am stoked.

Dennis S on 02/15/2010
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

A follow-up to my previous post: About 200 rounds factory and reloaded ammo and no malfunctions of any kind. I don't think you can go wrong buying this gun. Bud's prices couldn't be beat and look forward to buying from them again.

Ramale S on 10/26/2009
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I purchased this pistol in January earliar this year fired it for the first time yesterday. My wife purchased pt 845 earliar this week fired that yesterday also. both guns are serious. There both accurate NTF, No Jams and No misfeeds. The 24/7 pro .40 s&w is very worthy for the price you pay. best pistol on the market. I love this gun it took me no time to adjust to its extremely long trigger pull. Acomplish '3 to '4 inch groups a12 to 15 yards. And get this its my second time shooting a pistol ever. great guns. Buds service was super fast and accurate. Recommand this gun to anyone look forward to great inexpensive pistol.

Dennis S on 09/26/2009
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I purchased this gun from Bud's, who could not have been nicer and easier to work with, and the price was the lowest I found. I've only put a clip through it so I haven't given it a lot of work yet. It may never see a thousand rounds. But what I found so far is that I love this gun. Because I had heard some bad things about the durability of the ribber grip I had asked Bud's to make sure mine did not have them. I also thought my gun was coming with Heinie's, but they were Novaks. Either way didn't really matter to me since this is my first large caliber semi-auto. None of my .22 semi's have nice sights like these. Shooting this gun went as smoothly as any gun I've ever shot. Using inexpensive PMC ammo I was a little gun shy. But it not only performed flawlessly but was accurate right out of the box. 30 ft. and 3" bull the first time I fired it. Dis-assembly and Re-assembly was a snap, never had a gun that was so easy to strip to clean. Now the only negatives I could come up with and not really glaring at that. It was impossible to load either mag with more than 10 rounds. The spring was very strong, after a search on the web it's a common problem with most semi's. As time goes on it get's better, but I may still purchase a UpLULA loader and recommend it. The other thing that may also get better is the slide release. I have to relieve some of the spring pressure by pulling back on the slide and releasing the slide.lever, it will not release the slide without extreme pressure on the lever and find it no big deal right now. All in All I am satisfied I made a good choice, this is a great gun... Sorry to be so long winded.

Glen G on 05/29/2009
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I bought this gun about a month ago and I am very happy with my purchase. I have fired 100 rounds through it already and had no problems with it. Handle grip is very comfortable. Trigger pull is a little long but not a problem. This gun really shoots out the spent shell casings. At the range they had to move the guy next to me because it was shooting the shell casings over the divider. The recoil is not bad at all on this gun. The sights are a little different but once you get use to them it is a very accurate gun. There was 3 other guys at the gun range that also had Taurus Pistols and every one of them said that they loved them. I would not have a problem trusting this pistol in a critical situation. Matter of fact some of the smaller local police departments in my area carry this gun as a duty pistol. That is how I found out about this gun. This gun is definately worth the price. Also Buds has very fast shipping. I ordered it on a Friday and it arrived at my local gun shop on Tuesday. I would not have a problem buying another Taurus Pistol. Gun seem to be really easy to clean also. Taurus has a great warranty program also. Like this gun better than any Glock that I have shot. Why spend $500-$600 for a Glock when you can buy this Pistol.

Robert M on 03/24/2009
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

This is an excellent pistol. I don't know what the other guys problem was. I have put over 2,000 rounds throught mine (fmj, jacketed hollow points, reloads and factory). The cartridges have been from a variety of brands and I have never had a single jam, feed problem, or other malfunction. This pistol consitently shoots where I point it and I am sure it will put plenty of holes in the bad guy if need be and have a few left in the mag for his friends. Needless to say, I have no problem trusting my life to this pistol.

Andrew G on 03/22/2009
Rating:   1 of 5 Stars!

Well i just spent over an hour writing nothing but good thin I just took it to the ' firing line ' in newport richie Florida and this pistol jammed 7 times outta a 50 round box. Scary, if I really needed to save my family's life. What a piece o' s..t.

Ramale S on 02/06/2009
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Just bought this gun and I am estatic about using it. The delivery took quite some time getting here but I will enjoy this pistol very much although I haven't used it yet. But I research countless videos on youtube and this product is more than worthy. 24/7 Pro defines two words.

Chris S on 12/12/2008
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Well i just spent over an hour writing nothing but good things about the Taurus PT 24/7 pistols and much to my dismay my computer messed up and it didn't get submitted. so the down and dirty. YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU BUY THIS PISTOL....PERIOD.

Keven W on 06/19/2008
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Just bought this gun. Shot 100 rounds so far. Love it to death. Slight kick back though. It's definitely worth the price.

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