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Customer Reviews for Taurus 905 Black 9mm Revolver

Taurus 905 Black 9mm Revolver Buy Now

18 Reviews. 3.6 out of 5 Stars!
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Aaron L on 05/21/2024
Rating:   4 of 5 Stars!

This is a handy revolver that shoots very accurately for its size and shape. Quite a bit recoil but that’s expected for this type of application. Handles moonclips very well. Easy to carry in the pocket or a small sticky holster. Overall I’d buy another

Duke M on 12/25/2023
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Beautiful and accurate. Having a revolver in 9 mm is perfect. I try to keep all my firearms using only a few different calibers, and 9mm is obviously 9ne of them.

Johnathan D on 04/11/2023
Rating:   1 of 5 Stars!

Buds gun shop delivered quickly as usual but this particular gun; what a disaster. It appeared great. Moon clips and 9mm in a Taurus revolver. To be fair I should've known better but, definitely wouldn't suggest this firearm to anyone not looking for a paperweight.

Shawn A on 03/28/2023
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Great little pocket pistol.

Christopher S on 01/11/2023
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Let's first clear up the false statements that all have been making on here about having to use moon clips. You do NOT have to use moon clips but are an option if you want to use the ejector to eject all 5 spent cases at once. you can drop individual 9mm cartridges in the cylinder as there is a ridge that the cases headspace on within the cylinder. Mine came with 3 moon clips but I instead chose to try without and everything worked fine. By turning the muzzle up when opening the cylinder almost all the spent cartridges just fell out with occasionally one or two having to be plucked out with my fingers. so far it shoots well but I really didn't set up any target to check for accuracy yet but I was hitting soda cans at 25 yds with it which seems to be good for a snub nosed revolver. So far I really like this little revolver and was shooting alongside my Taurus 605 in 357 and the felt recoil is right between a 38spl and a 357mag. Really pleasant to shoot. Double action is a little stiff but I may try a wolf spring kit later on as I plan to KG Gunkote this as the matt black looks ok to me but probably doesn't offer much corrosion protection for EDC. Wish that Budds had this in stainless as I would had bought one instead. So far I have shot one box of fifty rds. I will give this a 5 star rating because so far I can't find anything to complain about except that I wished they offered it in stainless.

Seth M on 09/15/2022
Rating:   1 of 5 Stars!

The gun functions sort of, but it has an unholy trigger pull. It also is extremely inaccurate mechanically, owing to the base gun it's made from being a .357. 9mm fires .356 bullets and they really don't stabilize enough from this pistol. I mean we're talking 2-3/5 shots hit on a torso sized target at like 15 or 20 paces. It's inaccurate enough that I wouldn't carry it. It also has a problem with the bullets of many brands of 9mm ammo jumping out of the case and jamming the cylinder, but that's more of a 9mm revolver problem than a gun specific problem. Also, because it depends on moon clips, you really can only carry the 5 rounds in the pistol because the clips are extremely fragile and would bend and/or lose rounds in your pocket... and a bent clip makes the gun unpredictably unreliable. My recommendation is to either save your money or put on layaway a better pistol like a Ruger, Colt, or Smith and Wesson. I have replaced this gun with a Colt King Cobra 2" and have absolutely no regrets, .

Brian K on 04/02/2022
Rating:   3 of 5 Stars!

Functional, but not outstanding. Cosmetically the finish color had some thin/uneven spots. Moon clips had to be adjusted as when they arrived the tolerances were all over the place. Some too tight, some too loose. That's easily accomplished though. Biggest issue was that it had issues with the cylinder locking up occasionally at first. It definitely needed to serious time dry firing with snap caps before it became reliable. Once past that issue though it is quite functional. Sights were right on straight from the factory which was a plus.

Edward E on 08/29/2020
Rating:   4 of 5 Stars!

The gun itself shoots great and handles well. It is really nice to have a 9mm revolver, I already own several 9mm semi autos so I don't have to have so many different kinds of ammo. I am going to give it 4 stars, not 5 because of the finish on the gun. The finish looks like I took a spray can to it in my back yard. If Taurus would improve on the finish it would be a home run in my book.

Roger M on 11/06/2018
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

I love my Taurus 9mm revolver. It is the perfect carry gun. Works flawlessly when I use the hammer spring that came with the gun. I tried using the Wolf hammer spring and I got lite hammer strikes. Great gun!

Jay G on 08/25/2016
Rating:   3 of 5 Stars!

Nice gun to use 9mm. Just not happy have to use moon clips not like other revolvers need to use moon clips with this.

Art F on 12/02/2015
Rating:   3 of 5 Stars!

Good gun , crappy finish. Pony up the extra cash for the stainless model. It looks like it's been spray painted

Tom M on 09/29/2015
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Bought this Taurus 905 from Buds. Great little gun. It just didn't come with the necessary Moon Clips. So if you buy one make sure you order some moon clips as well.

Mark F on 10/28/2013
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

10/28/13 picked up my new Taurus 905 {9mm} went straight to the range fired off 1 box of federal 9mm, smooth, trouble free. The revolver itself is very well made as is all Taurus Firearms. Anyone looking for a well made, reliable revolver for 9mm check out the Taurus 905, you won't be sorry. Thank you to Buds online for getting it in and for the fast shipping, I can always count on Buds.

Donald E on 10/29/2011
Rating:   1 of 5 Stars!

Just an update on the previous post. After a three week wait to get my brand new gun back from Taurus repairs, it still shoots paper plate size groups at 20 feet, although they did manage to figure out how to get the firing pin to hit the center of the primer. Now for the fun part. After putting half a box of cartridges through it, the cylinder fell off!!! I'm not kidding. I pushed the release button and the censored cylinder fell right off onto the ground!!! While it's possible to put it back on, it doesn't appear to be possible to make it stay on. I'm guessing it's part of the other negative reviews where folks are having trouble getting the cylinder to lock in place. When it comes loose, you have to push on the front of it to get it to slide back where it's supposed to be. Whatever. Any way you slice it, cylinders SHOULD NOT fall off during normal use!!! I was looking forward to upgrading my previous post with more stars after repair work was completed, but that's not going to happen. There's no excuse for a gun not working perfectly out of the box. There's ABSOLUTELY NO excuse for it not being better than perfect when Taurus has had a fair chance to make it right. This ought to be a good gun, but it obviously is not. Quality control at Taurus is inexcusably pathetic, and the promised warranty work is worse. Until Taurus gets it's manufacturing ducks in a row on this gun, I'd have to recommend avoiding this one in the strongest possible terms.

Donald E on 09/30/2011
Rating:   1 of 5 Stars!

I have a Taurus revolver in .22 and bought this one expecting a similar level of quality and reliability. Either I got lucky on the .22 or got a lemon on this 9mm, but either way, the only reason I'm giving it 1 star is because there isn't anything lower. The Taurus hype is all their guns are tested before leaving the factory. This gun is so obviously defective I find that impossible to believe, as it would have been caught by the first person who inspected and fired it. Ammo that has never failed to fire in my two other 9mm's, failed in this gun right out of the box. I'm getting light strikes that are WAY off the center of the primer. Not only is this a HUGE reliability problem for a gun intended for concealed carry, it creates the potential for hang fires, which is the most inherently dangerous threat known, to even the safest of gun owners. I put 20 rounds through it and the failures to fire were happening so often I was afraid to do anything more with it. The first five went off okay, but accuracy was horrible, with bullets key holing the target at 20 feet. I had one failure to fire on the second five, and two each on the third and fourth. I've been eying this gun for over a year, hoping Taurus would come out with their promised 4 inch barrel in this model. I guess I should have kept on waiting. 2 inches is too short for accuracy, at least in this model, and I can't see what good a smaller gun is if it isn't possible to hit anything with it. Their .22 with a 5 inch barrel is an absolute tack driver with high velocity ammo. It's actually the gun I usually carry concealed on the assumption a reliable .22 in the right place is better than something bigger all over the place. The grips on Taurus small frame revolvers are horrible for anyone with hands bigger than a 10 year old girl. I have a custom set for the .22 that fit my big hands, and it makes all the difference in the world. I don't care how little and cute a gun is, I want to be able to control the damned thing so I can hit what I'm aiming at! About the only thing I liked was the moon clips, which seems to be the one thing a lot of other folks complain about. It's like having a bunch of little speed loaders, without a speed loader to fool around with. Reloading was quick and easy, but you do have to make sure all the cases are pushed down all the way before closing the cylinder. Not a big deal and the spent cartridges ejected smoothly. Hopefully Taurus will be able to repair or replace this expensive chunk of scrap metal, but they get low marks for making this necessary on a brand new gun, that NEVER should have left the factory in the first place. A gun is supposed to be dangerous, but NOT to the person using it!!! Taurus should be ashamed and embarrassed that even one of their guns ever left the factory in as dangerously, defective a condition as this one!

Lawrence N on 02/02/2011
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

Great pocket pistol.... same caliber as my XD9SC. Took her out to the range Sunday and put 200 rds through it. Not one problem. Shoots just like my S&W 642 38 spl. Great gun, Great price and Great service. Thanks Buds Gun Shop.

Dennis P on 08/04/2010
Rating:   5 of 5 Stars!

WOW!!! I've been looking for one of these things for awhile , and it's a different animal ,from the taurus 85 ultra lite .38 that I carry everyday...mean lttle pistol....little on the heavy side but can be a CCW revolver.Shot 250 rounds today and no problems ....moonclips will take a bit to get use to ...but for this price and 9mm rounds are cheap,cant go wrong with this snappy little revolver...

James V on 07/11/2009
Rating:   3 of 5 Stars!

Had this pistol in stainless, and I highly reccommend that you figure out a way to shoot it before you buy it. Im a big fan of Taurus CCW revolvers... i carry a model 85 .38 special everyday. Its a completely different animal in 9mm. Its like shooting a rocket out of your hand and I couldnt hit squat with it. I know its not going to be dead on accurate, but I can shoot 5 shots out of 5 in to the top of a pop can at 15 yards with my 38. Not with this one though. You also have to use moon clips because the 9mm in a rimless round, and these wear out over time and are kind of a pain. It is a good functioning and good quality piece, I just dont think that 9mm works very well in a revolver.

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