BudsGunShop.com - Binary BFSIII trigger cost
What is/was Bud's cost when this trigger was last in stock?
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What is/was Bud's cost when this trigger was last in stock?
Buds cost was $309 It would surprise me if they are ever for sale again
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Hi John, Price was $309. The easy way to find this out is to open the product page, then open Buds website in another window. Look at the green box at the bottom of the screen that says recently viewed and it will show there.
Buds cost was $309
$309. Others have it in stock, I've been waiting since the Las Vegas shooting. If it comes back at Buds it will probably be higher as the vendors that have it now raised prices slightly.
Buds cost was $309 John.
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Hi John, Price was $309. The easy way to find this out is to open the product page, then open Buds website in another window. Look at the green box at the bottom of the screen that says recently viewed and it will show there.