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    by - Lifetime Points: 580
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  • If you are going on a "once in a lifetime" hunt you should use at least a 300 magnum of some sort. Light calibers like the 6.5 Creedmoor would mean you may have to pass up a shot on a once in a lifetime bull that you could take with something with enough power to penetrate to the vitals on a less than ideal shot angle.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 27073
  • To select more than one answer you have to open the question in multiple windows before selecting a answer the select a different answer on each open window/tab

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    by - Lifetime Points: 7541
  • Please click the green box stating it as the best answer. We are rated on our answers and are just volunteers, not Buds employees. You can choose more then one Thank you!

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    by - Lifetime Points: 7541
  • Hi Lucian, The 6.5 Creedmoor is ok for Moose but there's much better options. Here's a very good write up on Moose Hunting: Choosing the Right Rifle, Cartridge and Bullet for Moose -

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    by - Lifetime Points: 27073
  • I would check the legality of where you are hunting as some locations have minimum calibers for certain game animals

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    by - Lifetime Points: 80902
  • The 6.5 Creedmoor is sufficient for Moose lucian with proper shot placement. The long profile bullets have a very high sectional density for sufficient penetration on large game. (They have been using 6.5mm projectiles for many, many years in Europe for killing stag, moose, pretty much all of their large game. The sectional density of the caliber is phenomenal, and can take all large game). A bigger bullet is always better but, many moose have already fallen to the 6.5 creedmoor.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 27073
  • I will say no it is not enough gun for moose I put the minimum cartridge at the .270 but would rather uses a .30 cal like the .308 or 30.06 even better would be the .300 win. mag or .7mm mag. Could it kill a moose, yes it can but so can a 22lr. Would hunt a moose with it, no.

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