BudsGunShop.com - 327/32acp
Recently I was told it is okay to use 32 acp as well as 327 in this LCRx.
Is thei information correct? Thanks
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Recently I was told it is okay to use 32 acp as well as 327 in this LCRx.
Is thei information correct? Thanks
You can shoot 32 acp and 32 long in it but they do not give great accuracy and will leave a ring of crud in the cylinder you must clean out before using the longer cartridge for reliable function. The 32 H&R magnum is a better option.
It will fire 32 acp. The problem is extracting the cases once fired. The ejector may not spit them out leaving you looking for something to poke in the cylinder for extraction.
No you can not you would need half moon clips (and a gun set up for them) as the 32 acp is a "rimless" case the 32 acp headspaces on the lip.
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You can shoot 32 ACP in a 327 Magnum revolver just fine. The most important thing to consider is the pressure. - 32 S&W Long: 11,600 CUP - 32 ACP: 15,000 CUP - 32 H&R Mag: 21,000 CUP - 327 Federal Mag: 35,500 PSI.