BudsGunShop.com - Benelli 20035 vs. 20036
Can someone please tell me the difference between a Benelli 20035 and 20036 compact youth in 20 gauge. Im buying for my kids to shoot trap and of course a second use is home defense that those who cant handle a 12 gauge can use.. The 20036 is sold out everywhere and the 20035 isnt. The 20036 seems to be 1.3 inches smaller and 1/10 of a lb less in weight? Will the 20036 every be back in stock? Id buy that because its smaller but maybe they discontinued and i'm waiting for nothing???
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Steve, those are the only differences as you mentioned. the 20036 is still in production although not in the numbers of the 20035 which leads me to believe it may be discontinued soon. You can purchase it "In Stock" at the 1st and 3rd links here as it may be a minute before Buds sees this again : https://gun.deals/search/apachesolr_search/650350200362?solrsort=fs_price%2520desc&upc_only=1&view=list