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  • first time handgun, female

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    in Hand Gun
  • Hi everyone,
    What is a good, affordable and easy to handle first time handgun, preferably a 9 mm for a female. This is for home defense mostly but I WILL get my CCW as well. Thank you 👌😘

    7 Answers

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    by - Lifetime Points: 4192
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • Vanessa, Have you gotten your carry permit yet? I would recommend the Ruger ECS. Right around $200. 9 mm. Good trigger. Easy to carry. Great company. This is economy version of the Ruger LCS.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 1
  • As with everything "gun" related, when you ask a simple question you open the flood gates for all the "experts" to come pouring through.
    Specific to your question. The Hi-Point C9 is listed as weighing 29 ounces which isn't "heavy" but as light as most of its higher dollar counterparts. It's a simple pistol using a "blow-back" operating method that necessitates a large, heavy slide. This makes it larger than most other 9mm handguns, but also probably softer shooting since most of the pistol's weight is in the slide.
    The C9 is "single-action" meaning you must pull the slide back and feed a cartridge into the chamber, then apply the Thumb safety for "carry" unless you choose to carry it with an empty chamber.
    This is a fine pistol for someone who doesn't want to spend a fortune on a gun that will likely end up spending more time in a drawer than a holster. It's a great home-defense option, and it's as good as any $500+ pistol in terms of doing what a gun is supposed to do - fire bullets, cycle reliably, and hit the target.
    It could be a great "introduction" pistol because represents a great value even if you go on to purchase more expensive guns.
    It CAN be carried on your person and "concealment" is nothing more magical and exotic than wearing gun and clothes appropriately. While not recommended, many women who "carry" do so in a purse, or even backpack (and so do many men), and this gun fits in that realm just fine.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 0
  • i hav a newer model c9 which shoots very well . it has feed every ammo ive tryed in it mine is easy 2 rack also. ive had zero issues with it thu it is a little heavyier than other 9s i would buy the hi point over a tauras any day. there a video on a older guy shootig this gun at buds who seems to hav some trouble shooting it and bashes it for some stupid reason . dnt let that change ur mind this is a good firearm in all.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 72
  • Vanessa, You’ve asked one of the hardest questions to answer because the right handgun for you is a very personal and subjective thing. But let me put you on the path of selecting something you can afford and use. First you will have to decide what caliber you want. The most popular calibers today are the 9mm and 380 ACP. Women in particular go for 380 ACP as these guns tend to be smaller and have less recoil although many women carry and shoot 9mm (or larger caliber). It has to do with the size of their hands and how much recoil they can stand. Smaller, petite women (and some men too), people with arthritis have a harder time with lager caliber guns especially racking the slide. Next establish a budget range you are willing to spend. This will drastically narrow down the choices once a suitable caliber has been decided upon. The next two steps are important. First go to gun shops/gun ranges that sell or rent handguns and see how they fit in you hand. You might be surprised as to how different brands/models feel. Next, if at all possible, visit gun ranges that rent guns and have the ones that fit you hand well and shoot them. This will give you a real feel for how the gun feels when fired and how easy/difficult it is to rack the slide. Now you are ready to make an informed purchase that is right for you. A final note. If you live in a state where you must qualify on a range with a handgun for a CCW, take the gun you purchased and practice, practice, practice.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 28330
  • since you say you will be getting your ccl I would recommend looking at the Ruger SR9c 17/10 round with the 17 round mag (with included grip extension on mag ) installed it has a full size grip which will make it a better range gun and home defense gun for carry you insert the 10 round mag and it carries and conceals much better My daughters have been shooting mine since they were 11 or 12 years old

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    by - Lifetime Points: 86544
  • Hi Vanessa, this handgun is not recommended for your purposes (it will not be functional as a carry pistol for a lady). I can highly recommend two pistols, both of which I have tested and are carried by my wife. Taurus G2 and Ruger EC9s. You may lean toward the Ruger LC9 as the single stack grip is thinner and slightly easier for small hands to carry over the double stack G2. Ruger ): and Taurus }:

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    by - Lifetime Points: 580
  • The High Point is a rather large clumsy handgun but is reliable. It would be okay for home defense but hard to carry concealed unless you kept it in a purse. This handgun may suit your needs better.

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