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  • Vs. M&p10 308

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    in Long Gun
  • I already have the m&p10 18" in 308 already. Would it be a waste for me to get this rifle. I mean will it be more accurate at further distances and is a "1000 yd all day" rifle?

    3 Answers

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    by - Lifetime Points: 2046
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • Erik - I have no doubt the Barrett will be more accurate than the M&P. It is simply a more precision platform all the way around - as reflected by the price. I've always felt that it is never a 'waste' to get a gun I wanted, period. One has to please themselves, and no one can make that decision for another person. As far as a "1000 yard rifle all day", one has to be a "1000 yard shooter all day" to be able to benefit from that precision. I've found most rifles can shoot better than I can. .If you are a "1000 yard shooter all day" and want to invest in the Barret then why not? You won;t be satisfied until you get it, I don;t think, and you'll always wish you had. Heck yeah, go for it!

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    by - Lifetime Points: 85957
  • Erik, the TAC has a higher quality barrel and will produce a measure of increased accuracy over the M&P. It won't be the cost of the rifle difference but, will be noticeable in the right hands.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 28280
  • Yes it will be more accurate that the M&P it is most definitely a 1000 yard rifle. it is a great rifle

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