BudsGunShop.com - How far does the scope can see?
What is the scope specifications for this model? Can the scope see 440 yards?
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What is the scope specifications for this model? Can the scope see 440 yards?
Michael, Doesn't matter if you could see a mile with this optic . The 40 S&W round is good about the length of a football field. Your target will be plenty sharp with a 4X optic. Scope can see 440 yards, but round will drop 2 stories at that distance.
Scope is 4x magnification so a target at 440 yards would, through the scope, appear 110 yards away which is quite small but you can still manage. The other issue is that 440 is far beyond the effective range of .40 S&W. It will be difficult to be reliably accurate at 100 yards let alone 440 where you would be looking at probably over 20 feet of bullet drop.
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Michael, this package has only a 4x Scope so 440 yards through this scope will appear as 110 yards with the naked eye.