BudsGunShop.com - Capacity
It says in the description that the capacity is 10. But am I about to switch out the 10rd magazine with a 17rd or 19rd mags?
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It says in the description that the capacity is 10. But am I about to switch out the 10rd magazine with a 17rd or 19rd mags?
That will work fine, on some 17 and or 19rd magazines you may need to switch out the base plates, but if the larger magazines you have don't fit the baseplate from the 10rd magazines will go right on the larger magazines.
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Omari, yes, you will not have any issue. Most manufacturers including Glock make firearm packages that have 10rd magazines so their pistols can also be sold in states that have magazine capacity restrictions. The pistols are exactly the same but just have 10rd mags included. The pistols will also accept any standard capacity magazines just fine.