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    by - Lifetime Points: 20676
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • James, this is NOT compliant in MD. Springfield Armory M1A Loaded in .308, Banned, Copy of enumerated banned weapon. 2/26/2021 .....The M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor is legal, Springfield Armory M1A Loaded-6.5 Creedmoor, Not Banned, Does not meet the definition of a copycat weapon or the definition of a copy, or enumerated weapon in statute 5/2/2018

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    by - Lifetime Points: 6776
  • So not sure why you're having issues. I'd understand if any of your accusations were valid but they aren't. I put alot of time in answering questions in and that's why. Besides don't even win that often, just had 350 points for 3-4 weeks of not winning and only won one.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 6776
  • I don't get buddies to post questions, I just put in alot of time answering questions. Usually I get 60-100 points per week if I put in 3-4 hour's a day. When it comes to state legality I'll admit I'm not the greatest when it comes to handguns, I'm fine with rifles. If I don't know the answer though I won't answer even after someone else does, cause haven't earned it. Now sometimes im pretty sure I know the answer but make sure I'm correct but rarely do that.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 3980
  • Calling you and James out on your scummy tactics isn't getting worked up, its just speaking the truth, your a little to dense in the head I guess to see the difference. 99% of the compliance question you answer are either you waiting for someone else to answer 1st and copying them, you guessing, or just giving a wrоng answer. Then there's the "other" BS YOU and James do, that do, that we all know you do, If you were doing pretty good because you had an extensive knowledge base or put in a decent amount of time researching answers, id have no problem with it, but instead you and James have your buddies post questions, brown nose, to sell your wrоng answers (and guesses) and let others do the heavy lifting and try to take the credit for it.
    Even your "I hope this helps" is something Trin K was using for over a year before you even started answering questions on here, everything about you is fake and transparent, just because you can fleece newbies, and your get you mom to post questions doesn't make you anything. Edward and Randy run i clean game ( like I used too) and I have no problem with either of them because they earn/deserve the credit they get you do not.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 6776
  • Good catch Edward, didn't see that. Paul quit getting so worked up over some friendly competition. I must do pretty good at answering or you wouldn't be so flustered.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 85945
  • Thanks for the clarification Edward. See, this is what a Forum should be, the peaceful dissemination of information without the unnecessary slag and sarcasm. Your maturity level is above reproach. Cheers to you Sir!

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    by - Lifetime Points: 3980
  • 🙄🤔😬😲😳
    I guess that's what me and Randy get for not reading more into it and what Josh gets for reading me and Randy's answers.

  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 28277
  • yes it is MD compliant

  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 6776
  • Yes, this is legal in Maryland. You're good to go. Hope this helps.

  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 3980
  • Yes, this Rifle is good to go in MD.
    MD restrictions here

  • Community Default Avatar
    by - Lifetime Points: 28277
  • yes it is MD compliant

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