BudsGunShop.com - NY legal?
Is this Ny compliant? Also let me know what .308s are Ny compliant. And any .223/.556 semi autos that are Ny legal and I was looking at the .30-06 rifles as well I know this is alot but thanks for any and all answers!
3 Answers
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Ryan, yes this is NY legal. Bolt actions do not have the same restrictions as semi-autos. Any .308 that is bolt action will be compliant as long as it 10rds or less. As for a 223/556 semi-auto, NY has a lot of restrictions. You will need to get a featureless rifle or a rifle with a fixed mag. Example of featureless rifle here (meaning it has no banned features) >> budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/93098/windham+r16m4ftt-cfi-nythd+ww-cf+cf+sa+223+rem556+nato++16+1 .....Ex. of a fixed mag (or mag lock) here >>> dark-storm.com/dsi/ds-15/ds-15-moe-rifles/dark-storm-ds-15-moe-fixed-magazine-5.56-rifle-black/ ...with a fixed magazine, you have to separate the upper & lower receivers to reload. (personally, I'd go featurless) Have a great day!