BudsGunShop.com - Price on this firearm ?
The Ruger - Marlin MSRP on this rifle is $1399 , and are being bided up to and over $3000 !!! What gives ?
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The Ruger - Marlin MSRP on this rifle is $1399 , and are being bided up to and over $3000 !!! What gives ?
Bruce, it really is simple. Supply and demand. You can't sell what you don't have and if you have a few of what everyone wants, well the price can be driven way past MSRP. This is true with scarce firearms or just about anything else. Remember those recent $2 plus 9mm self defense ammunition prices? Cheers and stay safe!
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Unfortunately it's low supply and high demand. Right now alot of firearms are over MSRP. Same with everything right now, gas went up, store shelves are empty on some items and prices going up for everything. Ammo is finally coming back down in price but I'd imagine it'll be a couple years before prices go back to normal if they ever do.