BudsGunShop.com - Is The "Bud's Gift Card" Considered "Same As Cash"
Greetings And An "Early Happy Thanksgiving"..!! I'm looking at purchasing a Bud's Gift Card for the first time. Being it would be used "In House" to be redeemed at Bud's,would it qualify as a "Cash Price" cost amount..?? Yes,I could call Bud's direct,but I'm figuring they're pretty swamped with calls right about now.. You "Bud's Info Wizards" have been Great to all "Question Askers" in the past. Thanx..!!
3 Answers
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Hi Robert, unfortunately no. The amount of a transaction funded with a Gift Card does not qualify for the cash discount price advertised on BudsGunShop.com. Gift Cards are instead applied to orders at our listed retail price.
Stay safe & have a great day!