BudsGunShop.com - Recoil
How is the recoil? From 1 to 10, 10 being it kicks like a mule.
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How is the recoil? From 1 to 10, 10 being it kicks like a mule.
50!!!!! Gonna send you back about 10 foot after you pull the trigger!!!
Okay, just having some fun. As mentioned, it will depend on the ammo you'll be using & your recoil sensitivity.
Hi Yannairis and welcome. Recoil is at a solid 8. You can drop it to a 6 with low recoil loads : budsgunshop.com/search.php/q/12ga+low+recoil ----------------- You can drop it to a 4 with this recoil pad : budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/133969/lyman+04428+pachmayr+shock+shield+rifle+shotgun+osfa+black -------------- Cheers and stay safe!
Hi Yannairis, one reviewer on Bud's said "with this shotgun being so light, the recoil is a bit nasty."
It has a soft rubber buttpad to absorb some of the recoil, but the recoil is still close to 'kicks like a mule'.
You can a;ways try some low recoil loads such as these budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/117165/winchester+ammo+aa12fl8+aa+low+recoil+12+gauge+2.75+26+gram+8+shot+25+bx+10+cs ,
Stay safe & have a great day!
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it can vary to such a large degree because of different loads that you can use A heavy 3 inch 12 ga load will kick like a mule (10)
a standard 2 3/4 inch shell would be a 6/7 a 7/8 low recoil target load around a 4/5. as a reloader I can load 3/4 oz light loads that would have almost no recoil