BudsGunShop.com - Are these G3 rifles from Portugal?
At shot show Century Arms said they were getting 50,000 G3 surplus rifles from Portugal. They said they would be partnering with PTR to assemble them with new barrels and receivers. Is that what these are? (Bud's item number 166522)
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Hi Peter and welcome. This is them Sir.
The Century Arms CA-3, assembled by PTR is a military surplus sourced G3 with a lot of original features and a configuration enthusiast have grown to love. This roller-delayed blowback .308 piece of history takes us back to the days of the stout battle rifle. The Century Arms CA-3 comes standard with original surplus parts including the fixed stock, forend, adjustable front sight, rotary aperture rear sight, trigger group (modified for compliance), bolt and bolt carrier. The new, American-made components by PTR include the trunnion, barrel, flash hider, stamped receiver, hammer, sear and charging handle... all made to keep the nostalgia alive with this beautiful vintage rifle. Cheers, stay safe and enjoy!