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Ruger LCP For Sale

Popular Firearm Models

Ruger LCP Overview

The Ruger LCP, which stands for Lightweight Compact Pistol, is really a new kind of auto handgun for Sturm Ruger & Company. Ruger was founded, cut their manufacturing teeth, and gained notoriety from their superb Mark I .22LR semi-automatic pistol, then the Bear Cat, and Single Six lines. Sure, through the years they have produced other semi-auto gun designs, but the brand new LCP is actually Ruger’s first authentic “pocket auto”. First introduced in 2006, this fine little .380 ACP came on the scene after a lot of other pocket .380’s were already on the market. For some other gun manufacturers, arriving into the market late might have been a death sentence, but for Ruger, it was no big deal. They would have rather waited for perfection, than to have prematurely introduced a substandard weapon. The LCP is a DAO (double action only) pistol that is squarely targeted at the concealed carry firearms market. Being a lightweight glass-filled nylon frame that is reinforced with a steel slip, this small but potent Ruger weighs about just 9.4 ounces (when empty). I own two of these fine little guns, and whether in an ankle holster, a billfold holster, or dropped into a pocket, sometimes I have to check and see if it is actually there, or if I have forgotten it at home. It’s a great little piece. I feel so strongly about it, that if I didn’t own one today, I would own one by tonight.

The actual Ruger LCP uses a dual-spring on a steel guide rod. Take down for cleaning and lubrication is smoothly done by dropping the magazine, ensuring that the chamber is empty, and sliding out the disassembly pin. The steel magazine has a detachable plastic floorplate, and is also easy to breakdown for cleaning.

The LCP is 5.16 inches in overall length, has a barrel length of 2.75, a width of .82, and a height of only 3.6 inches. The standard magazine is a 6+1 capacity, however, a 7+1 extended finger magazine is available.

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Ruger LCP 6+1 380ACP 2.75"
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