Qualified Professional Discounts
Who qualifies for the Qualified Professional Discount?
Many major manufacturers offer discounts to a large list of individuals they consider Qualified Professionals. Although commonly referred to as Law Enforcement, LE or Veterans Discounts, these discounts are actually also available to many other types of Qualified Professionals, including :
- Active, Honorably Discharged or Retired Military personnel - all branches (veterans, including medical discharges/disabled)
- National Guard personnel - all branches
- Military Reserve personnel - all branches
- CAP - Civil Air Patrol
- Fire Fighters - including volunteers
- Paramedics and EMTs
- TSA Employees
- Commercial Pilots
- Federal Flight Deck Officers
- Air Marshals
- Court Judges
- District and Deputy District Attorneys
- All sworn or retired Law Enforcement Officers - city, county, state, and federal
- All Corrections and Probation Officers
- State Licensed Security Companies
- State, Federal, and Private Security Guards
- DOD Contractors
What to Submit :
A current and complete (front and back) copy of your official identification. If you cannot send official identification, we accept LES forms or department letterheads stating employment. Please also include your driver's license if you use one of these two methods. We are required to collect and file a copy of your qualifying credentials with your initial discount purchase. Your credentials will remain on file to approve future discount purchase requests. Manufacturers participating in these discounts reserve the right to audit our records to ensure only those professionals on their approved lists are receiving these discounts. If no expiration date is stated on your credentials, they will expire after 12 months. Veterans' credentials expire after 10 years.How to Submit your Credentials :
Send us a scanned image of your qualifying credentials online (account login required). You will receive a confirmation of receipt. It takes 1-2 business days to process your credentials. Orders can be placed right away and will be processed and shipped upon finalizing the credentials verification.We hope you will take advantage of these Qualified Professional Discounts and we extend a heartfelt 'Thank You' for your service!