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    in Long Gun
  • My very first gun purchase was a high point C9 9 mm pistol absolutely love this gun than i bought the 380 sold it didn't like the 380 round. Problem the magazines in both those guns jammed nose diving. I did the fix on the magazines with adjusting the springs. I watched a YouTube video that showed me how to do what an amazing difference it made the C9 has never jammed since than no matter what I feed it. I am fixing to purchase a high point carbine 9mm and want to see if anyone has experience.

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    by - Lifetime Points: 80231
    Chosen as Best Answer
  • Howard, the springs are still hit or miss in my opinion. The newer models have been coming with better functioning magazines from Hi-Point (less complaints) so you should not stress too much. You may or may not need the fix but, it's there if you do.

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