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What would I have to do to put a bayonet on here?
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What would I have to do to put a bayonet on here?
Matthew, THe Mini-14 was never fitted with a bayonet lug; only the Ruger AC-556 (Selective fire version of the Mini-14) was designed with a bayonet lug that would fit the M7 bayonet. Do a search and you'll see several flash hider combo bayonet lugs. You might even find a AC-556 lug you could adapt. Just remember the mini didn't come factory with one, so know your local laws on doing it.
Hi Matthew you would need this or a complete upper with bayonet lug - budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/714009310/CAA+AR15+BAYONET+LUG+MNT+PICATINNY
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Hi Matthew
you would need this or a complete upper with bayonet lug - budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/714009310/CAA+AR15+BAYONET+LUG+MNT+PICATINNY
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You'd need a bayonet lug or to change the front portion of the barrel to one with a bayonet lug (attaches with roll pin).