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How easy is this to field strip and clean?
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How easy is this to field strip and clean?
To clean, it is easy. To take apart, it isn’t a bit time consuming. Hope this helps.
Christopher, it will take a couple of times to get used to field stripping but it is not too bad. Field Strip how to video here : youtube.com/watch?v=wuuAsFTscZ4
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For the hipoint JHP 45 it is not impossible but it is significantly more difficult for the fact that u have a pin you must remove after locking the slide back. Once removed, release the slide lock and pull back slide almost an inch and lift upwards. Keep in mind the guide rod is not captured and the spring is rear facing meaning if u do not keep that in mind the spring can shoot off the gun and you can lose it. To reassemble the gun; make sure the spring is setted in the fram completely and be careful as u place the slide back on. In the firing pin channel there is a pin that sets in a hole to the rear of the frame. U must get the slide far back enough while keeping tension on the guild rod n spring to set the pin back into the hold. Once that is done lock the slide back and reset ur split pin in the hole from the side it exited the gun from cuz it goes back in the same side it came out. Any other questions u can always direct ur attention to youtube for a visual step by step.
Hoped this helps