BudsGunShop.com - fiber optic sight ?
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07/06/2019 06:33 AM CT by randy i
Please select a best answer. Also please note that the 1st answers given are at the bottom of the thread.. You can select more than one best answer by opening the question in multiple windows/tabs (before selecting best answer) then selecting a different answer in each window/tab
07/06/2019 06:12 AM CT by James G
Joe, yes Sir it does. This pistol has a Fixed low profile Fiber Optic Front Sight as pictured here : google.com/search?biw=1280&bih=596&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3zogXa6YIc7ctAafvL7QBQ&q=KIMBER+PRO+CARRY+II+STAINLESS+45ACP+fiber+optic+sight&oq=KIMBER+PRO+CARRY+II+STAINLESS+45ACP+fiber+optic+sight&gs_l=img.3...114863.121021..121497...0.0..0.578.2267.0j1j1j1j1j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.z1qdz4hn4Ws#imgrc=ujlzjuzqCikudM:
07/06/2019 06:04 AM CT by Michael W
Joe, Yes this firearm has a
Fixed low profile
Fiber optic front sight
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Yes it does have a fiber front sight checked by UPC and model number from Kimber site see ****** specs Calibers
Height (inches) 90° to barrel: 5.25
Weight (ounces) with empty magazine: 28
Length (inches): 7.7
Magazine capacity: 7
Recoil spring (pounds): 20.0
Full-length guide rod
Material: Aluminum
Finish: Satin Silver
Width (inches): 1.28
Material: Stainless steel
Finish: Satin Silver
Length (inches): 4
Material: Steel, match grade
Twist rate (left hand): 16
Fixed low profile
*******Fiber optic front sight
Radius (inches): 5.7
Rosewood, with Kimber logo
Aluminum, match grade
Factory setting (approximate pounds): 4.0 - 5.0
Product Code
Product #: 3200324
UPC: 669278323244