BudsGunShop.com - layaway
What are the layaway terms of this particular firearm?
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What are the layaway terms of this particular firearm?
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Hi Duane, The layaway plan is very simple to use. Just place your order online as you normally would, and select 'LAYAWAY' as your payment option during checkout. Only New Firearms are eligible for this program. Upon receipt of your non refundable 20% deposit (personal check, bank check, money order or credit card), we will secure your firearms(s) from our inventory and activate your 90 day Layaway Plan.
During the 90 Day Layaway period, you can either make several payments, or just make one final payment at the end of 90 days, at which time we will ship your firearm(s).
If, after 90 days, we have not received payment in full, your Layaway Plan will automatically be canceled and any/all payments will NOT be refunded.
Items on a layaway cannot be changed once the 20% deposit has been received. If a layaway is cancelled prior to 90 days the 20% deposit will NOT be refunded. (Check/Money order/ACH BankDraft) receive the "Cash" Price. Credit/Debit Cards art +3% or the "Retail" Price.