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Is 12 round correct for this model? Thanks
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Is 12 round correct for this model? Thanks
You're correct, 12+1. These are prone to malfunction though, incredibly cool looking and has that interesting futuristic look. I just never was a fan due to their high failure rates.
It will hold 12rds (6rds each side for 3" shells). It will hold 14rds (7rds each side for 2.75" shells). Result= 12+1 for 3" Shells and 14+1 for 2.75" shells.
Yes it holds 12 shells total, 6 in sach side.
Yes that's 6 in each tube
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Yes, the internal dual tube magazines hold an impressive 12 rounds of 12 gauge 3” rounds in total (6 per tube). It can also reliably shoot shells as short as 1 3/4" up to the 3". This simple and reliable pump action feeds from either the left or right tube. The feed side is manually selected by a lever located behind the trigger guard.****Note It will hold 7rds in each tube of 2.75" shells for a total of 14rds.^^^^^